A high spot in anyone's calendar.
As you know, Carole is always researching the very best, high-tech skin health treatments the world has to offer. So it was no surprise that she keen to meet up with industry specialist, renowned skin health expert Nilam Holmes to experience a fabulous new treatment.
You will probably recognise Nilam as the skin expert featured on tv programmes such as C4's 10 Years Younger. She is also the owner of her own specialist aesthetics clinic, Derma Spa Milton Keynes. Here, you can see her expertly demonstrating a Collagewave® treatment on our @waterside.aesthetics founder, Carole Lacey.💙 What is the @cwave_official Collagenwave® we hear you cry? Well, it's currently one of the UK’s most sought after cosmetic facial treatments and has a rapidly growing client base here in the UK and abroad. Collagenwave® blends beauty with science by using radio frequency to provide a non-invasive, non-ablative and non-surgical therapy that tightens and rejuvenates the skin leaving it looking contoured and beautifully sculpted. Sounds amazing right? Carole is still on cloud nine after her treatment saying, “The treatment was really enjoyable, warm and very comfortable. At the end of it my cheeks and jawline areas already felt firmer and lifted. Even the area around my eyes felt more rejuvenated and 'wide awake'. I was told that the results are cummalative and a course of 6 is recommended. So, huge thanks to you Nilam, I can’t wait for my next treatment for you truly are amazing!!“ Why not have a look at the video and let us know if you would you be interested in this treatment yoo. Just add your comment below. Look forward to hearing from you. 💙xxx #nilamholmes #dermasparmk #aestheticsclinic #collagenwave #newskintreatments #luxurydestination #skinspecialist #ukskinspecialists #celebrityskincare #premiereaestheticsclinic #beautyexpert #skinspecialist #thebestskinexpert #industryleader #carolelacey #watersideaesthetics #aestheticsuk #globalaestheticsolutions #globalaestheticsleaders #learningfromthebest